showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Ruby Robba Blaby1984 labelminimizeminimize
Sam Sleuth  Computerware1984 labelminimizeminimize
The Wild West Novasoft;Tom Mix Software (Novasoft)1986 labelminimizeminimize
Gate Crasher: The Party has Just Begun author;Tandy (author)1988Like Wolfenstein with [b]curved surfaces[/b]! labelminimizeminimize
Rush'N Assault Diecom1988 labelminimizeminimize
Super Pitfall Tandy (SRB Software)1988 labelminimizeminimize
Robocop Data East;Tandy Corporation (ZCT Systems)1989 labelimageminimize
The Contras Sundog Systems1993[media=youtube]Iwr0tcabbRQ[/media]***It's Contra! No 3rd person stages but all the 2-player, shooring, projectile dodging, powerups, and action from the original Contra game is recreated in this unofficial clone. labelminimizeminimize